Hospice General Criteria Guide
If you see two or more of these signs in your loved one, it may be time to have a hospice conversation. Please refer to your physician to discuss a potential care plan.
- Increased Assistance in Activities of Daily Living
- Unintentional Weight Loss
- Altered Mental Status
- Multiple Falls
- Skin Breakdown
- Frequent Medication Changes
- Increasing Shortness of Breath
- Multiple Emergency Department Visits / Hospitalizations
- Recurrence of Multiple Infections
- Symptoms Are Harder to Manage
- Treatment is No Longer Working and / or
- They No Longer Desire Aggressive Intervention
- Other Diagnosis That Contributes to Decline
Most Common Diagnoses:
- Heart Disease / Congestive Heart Failure
- Cancer
- Pulmonary Disease
- Dementia / Alzheimer’s
- Stroke / Neuro
- Renal Disease
- Liver Disease